About NPC Group AS

NPC Gruppen includes a number of businesses since 1990.
The company's head office is in Oslo.

NPC Group - Norway

Project management, management and administration
Architects and engineers
Property development and management
Management and quality systems

NPC SOLUTIONS - Norway, Asia

Business consulting and management
International trade and cooperation
Investment. Development and management etc.


Investment in funds, property, management, consultancy, etc.


Housing and property development

1-2 TRAVEL - Norway

Travel agency 

DI ASTANA - Bali, Indonesia

Property company (development, rental and sale)

Vika Atrium OSLO
Kontor C2

Vår vision and mission


NPC sin visjon er bygge bærekraftig verdier som imøtekommer fremtidens behov gjennom å bidra til:

  • Functional and environmentally friendly solutions.
  • Export / Import of growth-promoting and innovative solutions.
  • Opplevelsesrike reiser som ivaretar miljø, kultur og samfunn, og på sikt er klimanøytrale.

NPC sin misjon er å skape verdier og identifisere muligheter for våre kunder, medarbeidere, aksjonærer og andre interessenter, samt bærekraftige løsninger for mennesker og samfunn ved å bidra til:

  • Optimal solutions for technology, economy and environment.
  • Use of employees and partners with a significant level of competence and knowledge.
Competence and experience

NPC har betydelig kompetanse og erfaring på forretningsutvikling og forvaltning av selskaper, og driver omfattende virksomhet innen bl.a. byggebransjen, eksport/import og reiseliv.

We emphasize developing and consolidating our businesses, and having an international staff of skilled employees.

Based on our expertise and experience, emphasis on a high level of service, quality philosophy and recognized methods and systems, we have built up a good reputation and reputation as a serious player in our business area.

NPC har gjennomført over 540 oppdrag av varierende størrelse og kompleksitet. Vår virksomhet i byggenæringen omfatter bl.a.:

Project management203Economic analysis288
Property development300Property management96
Architecture & Engineering461Construction case (law of liability)204

We assume responsibility for planning and implementing projects - from the first ideas to established operation and use.

Our customers are public and private businesses, organisations, etc.

Our customer philosophy

NPC har kvalitet og effektivitet som basis for vår forretningsfilosofi. Vår målsetting er å tilby cost-effective solutions with a high professional level in the businesses we participate in.

As a basis for success, we use tools such as ensures the result and minimizes risk, so that the established program and quality are as expected, and the cost framework, time and resource consumption are respected.

Our customer philosophy is to be service minded and to meet our customers' wishes and needs, have a dynamic and purposeful team of skilled and knowledgeable employees which gives the customer security and trust, while it should be pleasant to meet us.

It is our goal that you will want to use us next time too!


NPC har relevant godkjenning i våre virksomheter, bl.a. central approval, reiselivssertifisering IATA mv.
Vår kvalitetssikring er basert på anerkjente drift, forvaltning og kvalitetssystemer i aktuelle bransjer.


Professional collaboration

NPC har lang og god erfaring i tverrfaglig samarbeid, og er samarbeidspartnere innen kompetanse og kapasitetsheving. Selskapet har etablert et suksessrikt samarbeid med flere strategiske samarbeidspartnere som bidragsytere til forretnings- og produktutvikling, i tillegg til en rekke lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale aktører som underleverandører til selskapets operative virksomhet.

Our strategy is further cooperation and development through partners both at home and abroad.

If necessary, we will be able to bring in relevant expertise at a high professional level for business planning, technical planning, etc., and have an extensive network that helps ensure capacity, expertise and quality in the projects we participate in.


NPC har i flere år konsolidert kapasitet og kompetanse gjennom engasjerte medarbeidere og samarbeidspartnere.

Our business employs around 15-20 people.

We have collaborations with other companies for the exchange of capacity.

Ours Business areas

Architect and engineering
PROJECT MANAGEMENT - overall management, administration and management of the project.
PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT - from idea creation to established operations
BUILDING CASE - look after the client's interests vis-à-vis authorities and others.
PROJECTION - architecture, building technology, security consultancy, etc.
ARCHITECT SERVICE - assistance with descriptions, finances, construction matters, advice etc.
DESCRIPTION - NS3420, function/performance description, element description.
CONSTRUCTION ECONOMY - economic analysis, risk assessment, calculation and financial analysis.
CONDITION ASSESSMENT - technical and antiquarian assessment of buildings.
BUILDING MANAGEMENT - management, operation, maintenance, development, service and potential of property.
Building data

NPC Group is a developer of building data (description programme, quality systems, etc.) in collaboration with, among others, The Norwegian Standardization Association, the Building Industry and other building data suppliers.

Business consulting
NPC Group has expertise and experience from business consultancy and offers services in business establishment, business development, competence development, management and consultancy, board work, administrative audit and quality assurance, improvement etc. This includes, among other things:
Export / Import

NPC Group assists companies, organizations and authorities with business related to export and import between the Asian markets and the Nordics.
We have considerable national and international expertise and experience with varying businesses and markets.

We can point to successful cooperation with several strategic business partners, both nationally and internationally.

Our competence and experience, emphasis on good service, quality philosophy, recognized and innovative methods, have given us a good reputation and reputation.

A knowledgeable, multilingual and multinational network helps ensure capacity, competence and quality in the businesses we participate in.

This includes, among other things:

Business/product development.
Strategy (analyses, MF/sales, MU, partner search/selection).
Investment (due diligence investors/stakeholders).
Marketing (strategy, ICT, media, events etc.).
Import/export (processes, target management, etc.).

Other services:

Translation, interpretation.
Indonesian/Norwegian language course.
Assistance with travel, and with visits, inspections, meetings with authorities, investors, factories, etc.
Company establishment etc.

For more information, download the brochure

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